
Operations And Project Management


Project Management refers to overall planning, executing and accomplishing each stage of a specific project. It undertakes allocation of resources as well as application of strategies which undertakes appropriate completion and perfect execution of a project (Kerznerand Kerner, 2017) . The following report is based on Dyson UK, which is one of the top manufacturers and distributors of home and electrical appliances. It includes review as well as critique of effectiveness of operation management principles, application of continuous improvement and project life cycle. The report also undertakes critical evaluation of effectiveness of PLC within a certain project.

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Task 1

P1. Implementation of Operations Management Principles

Operations Management is a field of study and practice which reflects upon administration of various practices which are connected to modifications in business operations. While Dyson wishes to enter into Large-screen televisions, it is of vital importance that each strategy, resource and plan is developed in context to gain maximum effectiveness out of operations. To achieve this agenda, the organisation is required to adopt certain methodologies which are mentioned below:

Lean Principles:

Lean is a term that is widely used by organisations globally to determine various inconsistencies and inefficiencies within their companies and to help improve and achieve better standards. The principles covered by lean are purely based on improving management of processes and working to attain better outcomes by eliminating every aspect that is not contributing to effectiveness. There are various principles of lean which are evaluated below:

  • Defining Value:

The very first principle of lean revolves around defining appropriate customer value which they are willing to spend on the products. Dyson must adopt methods to define value of their operations as well as their Large-Screen Televisions. This would help the company in identifying and defining customers' perspective as to what is valuable to them. Such deciphering is necessary for the quality and price of their product (Aragon's-Beltrán, and et. al 2015).

  • Mapping the Value Stream:

Another prominent principle of lean is value stream mapping. The value defined by Dyson in the previous step would be used as an indication point in relation to which, every appropriate task that contributes in achieving that value would be determined. However, activities which could cause failure in attaining this value would be treated as waste and further removed. This enhances the assurance level that each activity is directed towards development of desired products (Kivilä and Vuorinen, 2017).

  • Creation of Flow:

In this principle of lean, Dyson would be required to appropriately align each activity and process in ways which ensure smooth running of processes within the company for development of their televisions. Each step and process must be reconfigured and goals of each department must be integrated to create an intact flow of operations within Dyson.

  • Pull Establishment:

While working for the development of Large Screen TV, Dyson must also keep a close watch at potential production system waste elements such as Work In Progress and Inventory. According to this principle, such wastes must be removed which would enable other appropriate and contributing processes to establish smoothness in development processes.

  • Persuasion of Perfection:

The final and most important principle of lean focuses on pursue utmost perfection in the process of developing televisions. It requires Dyson in establishing and maintaining a culture of continuous improvement within the organisation which is essential in determining aspects that could contribute in appropriate development of televisions and aspects which don't so that effectively assist the company in keep the quality high (Park and Huh, 2018).

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Critical Evaluation of Lean Principles:

The most prominent aspect of application of lean principles within Dyson's Large-screen Television production is that it minimises time of production once each process in aligned however, there are still chances of failure on suppliers' end that could lead to incompletion of orders on time. Moreover, since the principles of lean aims at reduction of waste and damage, the firm by default becomes incompetent to buy raw materials in bulk. This raises the cost of acquisition of these materials.

Total Quality Management:

It is a customer-based approach which is consists of ensuring a culture of continuous improvement to ensure maximum satisfaction to buyers. It is a management approach which undertakes extensive examination and evaluation of the quality of operations and the television that could deliver utmost value to customers. In addition to this, processes and equipments at each level of production is evaluated in order to deliver best quality and maximum effectiveness.

Critical Evaluation of Total Quality Management:

TQM is very effective in ensuring maximum effectiveness within the production processes in a company (Erdogan and et. al 2017). However, regular modifications are required as this approach might lose its impulse overtime. This phenomena is known as quality disillusionment. Moreover, this enhances burden on the overall organisation as each department and personnel is required to appropriately adopt a culture of TQM to ensure its consistency. Incomplete establishment of Total Quality Management might bring severe consequences to the firm and partial efforts might fail.

Six Sigma:

A methodology which is directed towards improving a firm's processes using quantitative analysis and statistical measurements. It uses two approaches, DMAIC and DMADV, where the former considers improvement in existing processes while the latter considers improvement in development of new product or service. Since Dyson is entering into a new market, it is imperative that the firm adopts DMADV approach which is discussed below:

  • Define:The initial stage is based on defining goals of the overall project along with internal as well as external deliverables (Zou and Jones, 2017).
  • Measure:Next stage requires the company to effectively attain knowledge about customer needs and appropriate specifications.
  • Analyse:Third step of Six Sigma needs the company to analyse all the processes which are required to meet consumers' needs.
  • Design:After analysis, Dyson must design the processes and allocate resources to accomplish customer demands.
  • Verify:Dyson must verify the previous steps appropriately by applying methods such as stimulations as well as pilot programs.

Critical Evaluation of Six Sigma:

Since its a customer-based approach, Six Sigma requires skilled workforce consistently to maintain the quality of operations. This is quite hectic and sometimes not possible for a company. In addition to this, its applicability removes chances of modifications as it promotes rigidity within the operations.

Task 2

P2. Preparation of Continuous Improvement Plan

After determining the methodologies that could be used in developing Large-screen televisions, Dyson must prepare a continuous improvement plan that revolves around ensuring consistency of top quality production and product quality of the televisions (Hwang, 2017). The continuous improvement plan is mentioned below:





Lean principles is the methodology that could appropriately be used in managing the cost of production.

Lean principles considers defining of value which undertakes all the aspects and elements which customers seem valuable. Thus, applying lean principles would eradicate possibility of inclusion of any waste equipment or process which unnecessary could add to the cost.


TQM is the standard approach which could be utilised to maintain effective quality of product and processes (Eroshkin, 2017).

Various techniques within TQM such as Mastercontrol and other software could be implemented by Dyson which would assure appropriate and effective quality of each process, equipment and personnel. This would appropriately enhance the scope of maintaining quality standards within the project.


To manage and enhance the safety standards of the project and televisions, Six sigma could be a well methodology which Dyson could apply within the project.

It is very important for Dyson to appropriately maintain the safety standards of project and televisions. Six Sigma could be used as an effective approach as its steps require analysis and appropriate verification of safety standards as per the customers' needs (Marques, 2017).


Dyson should use principle of organisation to manage delivery of televisions within due time and with utmost effectiveness.

While it is crucial to deliver the product within due time, principle of organisation would enable Dyson in maintaining a successful flow of operation and better management of each activity within the project. This would allow accomplishment of tasks within due time and timely delivery of televisions.

Continuous Improvement Plan Analysis:

Each plan must effectively be analysed in order to adequately accomplish the agenda of consistency within the overall project. However, it is also imperative that analysis of CIP is made on the basis of various operations management principles discussed below:

  • Flexibility:This principle works on concept of flexible operations within an organisation which is necessary in order to ensure maximum adaptability. Lean Principles require regular monitoring and modifications in processes and equipments to determine usage of most capable aspects within a project. Thus, while developing large screen television too, this principle could be accomplished by Lean.
  • Organisation:While each activity within the project is appropriately organised, thus, it would provide the firm with appropriate management for the project along with accomplishment of set standards (Șerbanoiu, 2017).
  • Fundamentals:Six Sigma would be applied appropriately in creation of environment within Dyson to ensure employee and customer safety be prioritised. Application of six sigma would be appropriately fulfilment of various disciplines which is necessary for maximum safety within the project.
  • Humility:While implementing TQM, each manager and subordinate is required to consult and have discussions about appropriate ways in which overall improvement in processes. Moreover, each department would also integrate their efforts to enhance the quality of procedures and televisions. Thus, humility will be accomplished via application and implementation of TQM (Zhang, 2018).

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Task 3

P3. Application of Project Life Cycle

Dyson, in order to appropriately enter the large screen television market effectively, is required to set up a work frame which is crucial for each project. However, every project is consisted of various stages which takes overall development of product from idea or concept to an actual offering. For Dyson, the project life cycle for development of Large Screen Televisions is mentioned below:

  • Initiation Stage:This stage consists of developing a framework for the overall project ahead. Brainstorming must be an appropriate activity in this stage where managers along with subordinates work together to develop objectives that are related with their introduction of new product range of Large-screen televisions. Moreover, they must undertake feasibility analysis where each factor must be reviewed on the basis of their contribution. Lean Principles could be utilised as a strategy for this stage to determine what customers seem valuable and effectively mapping the value stream. Since this requires appropriate insight of subordinates as well, democratic leadership could serve as most appropriate style to be adopted by the managers. In addition to his, Microsoft Project Professional must be utilised by Dyson for this stage (Poirier, 2017).
  • Planning Stage:Approval is an essential part to commence the project planning. Dyson managers must get their project of Large-Screen Televisions approved from senior managers and the board. After their approval, they must be effectively approach towards planning the whole project. Project plans and workflow documents are needed to be created. In addition to this, resources must be acquired and gathered for further execution. Moreover, plans must be created after risk assessment and appropriate factors and counter measures must be implemented. Six sigma could be an approach which would be appropriate in this stage as planning would be done appropriately on perception of customers which would help in execution of project according to their needs. For this stage, Autocratic Leadership style must be used as it is an essential approach for allocating duties and responsibilities to employees along with implementing desired strategies for the product development. Toggl or Rational Plan are some tools that could be utilised for this stage appropriately (Cavka, 2016).
  • Execution Stage:The most crucial stage is developing the whole idea into a product. The above set processes, equipments and resources are now required to work in ways which is essential for appropriate execution. Communication is an essential aspect which must be adequately and abundantly used by Dyson to maintain effective workflow and simultaneous development of product. Performance of employees must be monitored by managers and budget must be allocated and managed in order to conduct daily operations effectively. For this stage, Total Quality Management must be used in order to effectively achieve set standards and highest possible product quality. As for leadership, Leadership Style could be essential to develop during this stage as new tactics and innovative strategies could help in cost reduction as well as delivery of utmost quality and safety. Microsoft Project could be used by Dyson during execution as it would help it in determining shortcomings and overcoming the same appropriately (Aarseth and et. al 2017).
  • Closure:The last stage is based on complete analysis of the overall project which is essential for its effectiveness. Performances of each resource must be evaluated along with other post-implementation reviews which is very important in order to modify any process to ensure consistency.

Business Case:

Organisational Overview

Dyson UK is a technical organisation situated in Wiltshire, United Kingdom, which deals in electrical and home appliances (Dyson UK,2018). It is planning to enter Large Screen TV market.

Vision and Mission

Dyson UK's vision with these television is to itself strongly in the television market. To attain this, mission of this firm is to implement efficient, technologically advanced and innovative methods to address market needs approprately.


XYZ's objective is to enhance its customer base of Large Screen TVs within the UK and beyond. Another objective of this company is to increase television viewing for all its customers by applying latest technologies in their televisions (Sanchez and Terlizzi, 2017) .


Appropriate planning along with allocation of innovative methods and technologically advanced sources which allows the company to implement effective methods according to market needs to develop their Large-Screen Television.

Project Plan:


The overall cost involving resources, processes, distribution as well as overall development of large screen televisions would be around £1,25,000 - £1,30,000


Internal and external along with vertical as well as linear communication would be used as appropriate strategy for production as well as distribution of Large Screen Televisions.


Advanced technology along with adequate products are being utilised to develop these televisions, firm promises effective quality production and television quality.


To develop the scope, Dyson would be employing skilled employees, advanced production equipments, appropriate software as well as technologically advanced processing.

Gantt Chart:

Illustration 1: Gantt Chart

Illustration 2: Gantt Chart

Work Breakdown Structure:

Illustration 3: Work Breakdown Structure

Task 4

P4. Review and Critique of the Effectiveness of PLC

Project life cycle must appropriately be reviewed critically which is essential for long-term success prospective for the company. In addition to this, evaluation of this could effectively serve well for removing any shortcomings in the project.

  • Lean Principles are being used in initiation stage which determines appropriately the activities and methods that are contributing towards appropriately accomplishing the project. However, lean principles might set up cost high in case of ensuring mitigation of waste which might risk chances of its approval. For this, the firm must adopt appropriate methods that could provide effective quality with limited and effective price.
  • Six Sigma is being used in planning process which is effective for achieving customer perspective. However, its rigidity might lead to development of plans that couldn't be modified further, which might cause organisational disturbance. Thus, it is imperative that flexibility be adopted in planning.
  • Execution stage uses TQM as managing the quality which is crucial for the firm in developing televisions. However, it might add to unnecessary addition in teams and processes that further increases its time for its accomplishment and development of televisions. For this, standards must be defined and performance must be measured which gives an effective framework for Dyson to work upon.

Different Application of methodologies in Small and Large-scale projects





Within an electrical company like Dyson, the application of TQM severely changes within small scale projects such as judging the quality of sound systems in television. This would require minimum level of implementation of TQM along where just one system would be analysed and if need be, modified.

Within large-scale project like development of Large-screen televisions, this implementation would require the firm to appropriately measure each and every aspect within the project and employ this methodology in overall process which requires employment of various advanced resources and skilled workforce.


For instance, Dyson requires to measure a certain team's performance. Thus, lean principles would not be applied on a large scale and it would witness minimum implementation and effectively could measure their performance appropriately.

During development of large-screen televisions, these principles would be adopted for each process and resources which requires application of extensive techniques to measure the quality and remove waste elements from the project.


Within small scale project such as setting up policies for employees for performance improvement. This would need a simple application of this methodology to achieve desired objective.

A vast scale implementation of Six sigma will be witnessed during a large project like developing large-screen televisions, where the safety standards of each process, equipment and resources would be evaluated and new standards would be developed.


It is thus concluded that operations and project management are effective to develop new products. Operations management principles along with methodologies like six sigma, TQM and lean principles could serve as appropriate strategies to effectively accomplish the project. In addition, continuous improvement plan must be implemented to ensure constant quality standard of new product development. Lastly, project life-cycle must be developed and evaluated to measure its effectiveness and make desired changes for appropriate quality.


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  • Sanchez, O. P. and Terlizzi, M. A., 2017. Cost and time project management success factors for information systems development projects.International Journal of Project Management. 35(8). pp.1608-1626.
  • Șerbanoiu, I., 2017. Actual Trends in Construction Project Management in Romania. InAdvanced Engineering Forum (Vol. 21, pp. 587-595). Trans Tech Publications.
  • Zou, Y., Kiviniemi, A. and Jones, S. W., 2017. A review of risk management through BIM and BIM-related technologies. Safety science. 97. pp.88-98.
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